Planning a funeral in advance of death is called pre need funeral planning. Pre need funeral plans outline wishes for funeral services and interment. To avoid inflationary funeral costs, prepaid funeral plans are available. Our purpose is to help families plan fitting tributes to loved ones in a peaceful environment, and do so with a great deal of kindness, compassion and attention to detail.

Eternal Solutions

"Meeting your needs for important life events"


How to pay for the funeral

Having selected and completed your Pre-Arrangements to the degree that you want, there is one more consideration: how are you going to pay for them?


  • The funeral industry is strictly regulated both at the State and Federal level. The Federal Trade Commission requires a funeral director to give you his or her current price lists, which will reflect the cost of each item or service offered. As one makes selections, they are recorded on a "Statement of Goods and Services". This statement is divided into three sections: Service, Merchandise and Cash Disbursements.


  • By prepaying for your funeral arrangements, you further reduce the stress placed on loved ones by eliminating the financial burden at the time of your death.
  • In funding your Pre-Arrangement, you insure that the money is available to carry out your choice at the time of need. Payment options are available.
  • Another advantage to prepayment is that you may secure a "Guaranteed Agreement" which would lock in the cost of part or your entire funeral at today's prices.
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